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John Talio

JT's - Evolutionary ERP Implementation Philosophy - Business Centric Implementation Model

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Note to reader – upcoming blog content will utilize a Human Resource specific ERP implementation but same model in any other scenario.

In my blog, “ERP Project Success - The Roadmap to Prevent Failure”, I write about how ERP implementation projects still have a 75% customer evaluated failure rate - because:

  • The project is over budget

  • Doesn’t deliver process improvement

  • Is riddled with customizations

  • Is not operationalized to support productivity – on day one

  • Has challenges with Post Go-Live Support and Operationalization

  • Doesn’t provide operational reporting on day one

  • Is not support by business users not engaged with the project

  • Is poorly integrated into your system landscape

  • Is populated with incorrect or missing data

  • Requires rework

  • Has security/access issues

  • Is under tested

  • The system is underutilized by employee population

Even with 45 years and thousands of companies implementing these types of ERP projects world wide - we still see the same failures in the vast majority of projects - unbelievable but true.

Well, I am here to tell you that following the same “cookie cutter project model” that implementation consulting companies use continue to miss addressing the core reasons why this keeps happening. I will give you my philosophy on doing this in a different (and I believe better) way - because (JT Insight moment).

“Doing the same thing, the same way, and expecting a different result

- is the definition of insanity.”

Rethinking the “traditional implementation model” of when, how, and what type of resources are incorporated and utilized into your project that can result in an evolutionary and successful experience that is beyond your company’s expectations is totally achievable - but it is up to you!!!

My philosophy is formulated based on my 25 plus years of doing this type of work from various perspectives of:

  • Business Project Team Member and Project Manager,

  • Software Firm Consultant and Project Manager,

  • Client-side Advocate - Project Manager and Strategic Advisor.

It's based 4 foundational concepts that are intertwined and very radical compared to what my other consulting colleagues are utilizing. These are as follows:

  • Business Centric Implementation Model

  • Project Augmentation Resource Model

  • Collaborative Project Matrix Structure

  • Operational Enrichment Success Model

Today’s blog will focus on the Business Centric Implementation Model - wow that sounds like a mouthful - doesn’t it. Let me boil it down to something more simple for you.

Business Centric Implementation Model

In its purest form, the Business Centric Implementation Model is all about making the entire project about the Business. Period. Its end-users, its processes, its goals…. period - if you lose that as the project’s focus then why are you doing this in the first place?

As I say to each of my client project teams during the Project Kick-off Meeting (another JT Insight) -

“We are implementing an ERP system - this isn’t some third year university student’s business project - we don’t get a grade at the end of this - we help this company evolve!”

It's not about the software because the software is just a tool - like a hammer, or screwdriver or wrench...on their own, these tools are useless - but put the right tools in the hands of the right people and incredible things can be achieved.

Repositioning the ERP Implementation in this way right at the beginning of the initiative will bring clarity and consistency to everyone engaged in the project day to day, and across the organization - because you are doing it for everyone!!!

This isn’t about clever project names, catch phrases or posters talking about - “ERP XYZ is Coming!” It's about looking at how this system will impact people from a policy, processes, operations, data and technology perspective - even before you start the official implementation - because (one more JT Insight) -

“How will you know you achieved your vision - if you don’t see it finished - before you start?”

I will discuss exactly how: company policy, process, operations, data and technology are key aspects to the success of Business Centric Implementation Model – stay tuned and connected and the journey will continue to come into focus - hope to see you there!

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