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John Talio

"The Real Reasons" ERP Projects Fail!!! – Part 4

Note to reader: This is the fourth in a series of 4 blogs on this topic.

In the first blog of this series, I explained that the Confrontation Model of ERP Implementation (the foundation of my philosophy) is based on the simple principle that the Client and ERP Implementation firm are not always aligned, and this is exemplified with a Contrasting Definition of Success, or said another way - the goals of the Client and the Consulting company are often in direct conflict.

Don’t believe me – here are some key ERP Implementation goals from a Client vs. Consulting Firm perspective.

Client Goals

  • Implementation was completed on time

  • Implementation was within budget

  • End Users are using the application as designed

  • The system implemented delivered the measurable benefits intended

Consulting Firm Goals

  • Go-live – Date is not always a constraint – can move and increases revenue

  • Create a change request(s) due to client decision errors based on scope, resourcing or timeline resulting in additional work and revenue on current project

  • Obtain contract agreement for post go-live support work

  • Position firm so that client is amicable to doing a future phase or additional project work with our company

This is something most people in my industry really don’t like hearing. They will deny it with vengeance. It’s painful for me to say as well but unfortunately, it’s often truer – than not.

To frame my opinion more clearly, we need to take a step back and discuss what “traditional” Project Management (and many other Executives) have used as a framework to describe of any project parameters.

We have all seen or used the following model to determine how business wants to achieve major initiatives – especially an ERP Implementation.

You must determine which parameters are most important to you – doing something – “Good”; doing something – “Fast”; doing something – “Cheap” and since you probably have never done an ERP Implementation before you are counting on – or should I say – at the mercy of your Implementation Partner to define those parameters.

Unbeknownst to you – your Implementation Partner – will also use this framework to take control of you and your project without you realizing it! This results in the start of the Confrontational Model of ERP Implementation and Roadmap to ERP Failure.

Implementation Partner’s “recommendations” based on their vast expertise in doing this type of work are supposed to ensure your success. They will “promise” to get you as close to the “impossible” area of the graphic as they can but here is what you need to do.

You must blindly accept everything the Implementation Partner proposes regarding: Project Scope, Timeline, Resource Plan, Training, Technical Support, Integration Development, Deployment - Hell, they’ll even tell you that you need to set up a “project war room” and have everyone on site so that you can all become a “team” – and like a good little Client – you nod and say – “Okay Consulting Expert we’ll do it!!!”

Oh, did I mention that if you don’t follow the model they present exactly as defined or if you can’t provide everything they expect, it will automatically and most likely negatively impact your project’s – cost, duration or quality.

Who’s working for Whom again??? Sounds like the Client is working for the Consulting Firm and because you have no experience you are at the mercy of your “Partner”.

This entire situation can be avoided, and frankly, is why my company exists – having an experience advocate on your side is the critical first decision to avoiding this situation – I have done this on several occasions.

Finally, believe it or not the consulting companies like working with me and the Client Advocate as well – so if you are interested in seeing the real model that is completely different and ensures ERP Implementation success for both my client’s and the consulting firms - please come back to learn what the secret to ERP Implementation Success and if you can’t wait for that blog; feel free to contact – John Talio Consulting and we can help get you on that path today!!!

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